Product Detail:

Alfamino® Infant is a hypoallergenic amino acid-based formula for infants ages 0-12 months with cow’s milk protein allergy, multiple food allergies or malabsorptive conditions. This nutritionally complete formula provides essential nutrients that infants need for growth and development and has a unique fat blend containing medium chain triglycerides (MCT) to facilitate fat absorption. Alfamino® Infant is manufactured under Nestlé’s high-quality standards. This easy-to-digest infant formula is lactose-free and gluten-free. Alfamino® hypoallergenic amino acid-based formulas with unique lipid blends are designed to:

  • Minimize the chance of further allergic reactions in a child with Cows’ Milk Protein Allergy
  • Meets nutritional requirements while managing EoE with an elemental diet.
  • Provides nutritional support to infants and children with SBS when an amino acid-based formula may be appropriate.
  • Provides a formula with MCT that is efficiently absorbed to provide a more readily available energy source, especially during times of gastrointestinal compromise.
  • Promotes adequate growth in healthy infants.
  • Meets the AAP criteria for hypoallergenicity
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